Dunja Radulov wrote this on December 16, 2015
Rails Girls Novi Sad #3 at Rendered Text
On 5 and 6 December we had the pleasure of welcoming the third Rails Girls workshop at our office.
Rails Girls is a global volunteer community with the goal to give women the opportunity to learn how to code in Ruby on Rails, and use that knowledge to build their own applications.
The third Rails Girls workshop in Novi Sad was organised by Kristina Stojaković, Aleksandra Vukošić and Milana Ljubisavljević, who have done a wonderful job of getting together a great team of mentors, coordinating the workshop, and creating a perfect opportunity for women interested in programming to take their first steps in the world of Ruby on Rails.
Three of our colleagues participated as mentors in the workshop - Nemanja is an experienced mentor who has already taught at two workshops in Belgrade and Novi Sad, and Milana and Jelena were participants in previous workshops, and now they are Rails Girls mentors and our new colleagues at Rendered Text.
We are proud to support Rails Girls Novi Sad in their mission to encourage more women to enter the world of technology, and are looking forward to supporting future Rails Girls workshops and seeing more women develop their first Ruby on Rails applications.
If you’d like to see more photos from the workshop, you can take a peek at our Rails Girls Facebook album.
To keep up with news about future Rails Girls events, you can follow @RailsGirlsNS and @RenderedText on Twitter, or subscribe to our events RSS feed.