
Software is about people and we are life-long learners. That is why we frequently attend and organize events in our industry.


A microconference where we bring together smart engineers, designers and entrepreneurs to share how they work.


A meetup for young hackers with a focus on the programming basics and craftsmanship.

We co-founded the Serbian Ruby user group and periodically organize meetups.


The following timeline includes recent events which we are organizing or attending. You can subscribe to the RSS feed to stay in the loop.

March 06, 2018

We’re happy to announce that we’re organizing the first Elixir meetup in Novi Sad on next Tuesday, 6 March at 6pm at Startit Centar.

At the meetup, Darko will explain the reasons for using Erlang and Elixir, Predrag will talk about OOP and popular languages in the multi-core world, and Damjan will talk about what working on an Elixir project looks like.

Join our Elixir Devs Group and RSVP here. See you on Tuesday!

October 07-08, 2017

Once again, we are proudly supporting the sixth Rails Girls Novi Sad event, a workshop dedicated to introducing women to sketching, prototyping and basic programming in Ruby on Rails.

This time around, our colleagues Milica, Nikola, and Nemanja will be mentoring the participants. We’re looking forward to meeting you there!

April 18, 2017

We’re happy to announce that we are organizing the first Docker meetup in Novi Sad.

Filip will explain the Docker basics, and show how to run several microservices in separate containers. Igor will explain how Docker compares to other deployment solutions. Finally, Nikola will show how to dockerize an application and publish the Docker image on Docker Hub. See you at Startit Centar!

November 22, 2016

Igor will be presenting Open source (almost) everything at a local Google Developer Group in Novi Sad. He will share the benefits of releasing software and software tools with an open source licence.

November 19-20, 2016

We are proud to be supporting another, fifth edition of the local Rails Girls workshop in Novi Sad.

Our colleagues Milana and Igor, who are already experienced Rails Girls mentors, will be mentoring at this workshop. See you there!

September 15, 2016

Marko will be presenting Scaling a Rails Monolith with Event-Driven Microservices at the WindyCityRails conference in Chicago. He will share the core principles of event-driven microservices, some ideas on where Rails apps fit into that picture, and what is their optimal scope.

September 09, 2016

Igor will share our adventures with Elixir at this year’s BalCCon2k16 conference in Novi Sad, Serbia. He’ll describe the reasons why for some parts of Semaphore’s backend we switched from Ruby to Elixir, and the performance boost we gained by harnessing the power of Erlang’s virtual machine and the OTP platform.

August 20, 2016

Our cofounder, Marko, is currently at the Abstractions conference in Pittsburgh, PA, where he will be presenting on how to scale up applications, one microservice at a time. He’ll talk about what asynchronous microservices look like in code, what tools we need to adopt in order to deploy them efficiently, and he’ll describe a simple, elegant approach to building software, with the Unix mindset of doing one thing well.

June 21, 2016

At DockerCon in Seattle we announced the preview release of Semaphore Enterprise, a new product which combines the power of running on-premise CI/CD with the convenience of using a hosted, easy-to-use web UI. Through our partnership with Docker, Semaphore Enterprise is available for download at the brand new Docker Store.

May 5, 2016

Igor will be at Merge Porto to share adventures about moving from Ruby to Elixir. He’ll describe how we managed to speed up parts of Semaphore’s infrastructure by introducing Elixir/Erlang into our stack.

December 5-6, 2015

We are partnering with the local Rails Girls team to co-host the third edition of Rails Girls in Novi Sad. Registrations are open until November 22.

Fun fact: Jelena and Milana, who have attended an earlier Rails Girls workshop, will be among the mentors.

November 21, 2015

We are organizing a Ruby meetup in Novi Sad on Saturday, November 21st at 11:00. The plan is to keep going until lunch.

This event will be in an open conference format. Everybody will have a chance to suggest a topic, all attendees will vote and then we’ll then split in different rooms based on the topics that interest us.

Please RSVP on the link above if you’re planning to attend.

October 15, 2015

We are organizing the sixth edition of CTRL+FLOW. This time, we will have the pleasure of hearing the talks of our summer interns. Milana and Stefan will be sharing their experience of working at Rendered Text, Nikola and Jovan will share what they’ve learned about TDD and Ruby, and Jelena and Bojan will give their thoughts on using the terminal as a development environment.

October 8-9, 2015

Our core infrastructure engineer Igor Šarčević is presenting The Story of Process Isolation at this year’s CodingSerbia conference in Novi Sad.

June 30, 2015

Our cofounder Darko is presenting “Microservices and logical reasoning” at a software developer meetup CodingSerbia.

June 13-14, 2015

We are happy to support the second edition of Rails Girls Novi Sad with two engineers from our team - Igor and Nemanja — helping as mentors.

June 6-7, 2015

We are happy to support the fourth edition of Rails Girls workshop in Belgrade with two engineers from our team - Igor and Nemanja — helping girls learn how to code.

May 30, 2015

Rendered Text is organizing the first Rendered Text Hackathon, a 24-hour web development challenge for students in Serbia. Five teams will compete in developing a most innovative app given a theme and programming language they will learn on the spot. Applications open from April 17 to May 17.

March 29, 2015

We are organizing the fifth edition of CTRL+FLOW. We’ll have two talks, one on the use and power of webhooks by Igor and one introduction to testing web applications with Cucumber by Nebojša.

March 17, 2015

Our cofounder Marko Anastasov will be among the three speakers at a Startit meetup in Novi Sad, where he’ll share some insights from our journey and transition from a consulting to product company.

March 12, 2015

We are organizing the fourth edition of CTRL+FLOW, as a small meetup for young programmers. Two talks are scheduled: “Create and deploy a web application in 15 minutes” by Marko and “Developing software with heart” by Aleksandar. All free tickets were taken very quickly which made us think what else we could do with this event.

January 24-25, 2015

We are partnering up to bring Rails Girls to Novi Sad. It makes us both happy and excited that we are helping bring such a great event to our town for the first time. Our Darko Fabijan and Aleksandar Diklić will also be mentoring at the event. Registrations are open until January 16th.

December 5, 2014

We are co-organizing NS Tech meetup no. 6. The presentations will feature our cofounder Darko Fabijan who will give a talk “Continuous delivery 101”, and Nebojša Zorić will share some experiences in “How to ruin a project”.

November 29-30, 2014

We are happy to support the third edition of Rails Girls workshop in Belgrade, partly as sponsors and more importantly with mentoring — Aleksandar and Rastko will be there to teach attending girls and women the basics of web development with Rails.

November 4-6, 2014

Rendered Text cofounders Marko Anastasov and Darko Fabijan attended the massive Web Summit in Dublin. They exhibited Semaphore as part of the event’s Alpha Program.

October 30-31, 2014

Our cofounder Darko Fabijan is presenting at PolyConf (ex-RuPy) in Poznan, Poland. Watch him create a chat application with Elixir and Phoenix in 15 minutes.

October 23, 2014

We are organizing the third edition of CTRL+FLOW, a small meetup for hackers interested in new PLs, frameworks and techniques. Two talks are scheduled: “Bash for the brave” by Igor and “Creating a chat application with Phoenix” by Darko.

October 2-3, 2014

Rastko Jokić is attending ArrrrCamp in Ghent, Belgium, a conference for developers interested in Ruby, Rails or the industry in general. Semaphore is happy to be one of the sponsors.

September 24, 2014

We are co-organizing NS Tech meetup no. 5. This is the first event after a brief summer break. Topics are code review and cross-platform game development.

September 12, 2014

Ervin Barta attended Container Camp in London. It is the first community conference about software containers in the UK.

September 11-13, 2014

Aleksandar Diklić attended Baruco, the Barcelona Ruby Conference on September 11-13th. We are proud to be an early supporter of this great event as Semaphore.

August 28-29, 2014

Marko Anastasov will present at RubyConf Brasil, an event geared towards software developers that wish to learn and upgrade their in topics such as Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Agile Practices, Javascript, NoSQL, Security, and more.

July 3, 2014

We are co-organizing NS Tech meetup no. 4. Topics are Swift, the new programming language from Apple, and Ansible, a devops tool to automate apps and IT infrastructure.

June 26-27, 2014

Marko was at EuroClojure in Krakow, a conference in Europe for the Clojure community.

June 19-20, 2014

Darko Fabijan was at GOTO Amsterdam, a conference designed for software developers, IT architects, agilists, product owners and project managers.

May 31, 2014

Marko, Aleksandar and Rastko were mentors at a Rails Girls workshop in Belgrade.

May 22, 2014

We co-organized the third NS Tech meetup.

April 24-25, 2014

Nebojša attended Craft Conf, a conference on software craftsmanship in Budapest.

March 25, 2014

We co-organized the second NS Tech meetup.

January 28, 2014

We co-organized the first NS Tech meetup. Vladimir presented the principles of TDD.

December 5, 2013

We organized the second CTRL+FLOW meetup, with topics being introductions to Clojure and Go.

October 11-13, 2013

Marko Anastasov presented at RuPy , a conference that brings together communities from different state-of-the-art programming languages such as Ruby, Python, JavaScript, Clojure and related technologies. Watch the video.

October 4, 2013

Vladimir gave a talk on TDD (Test-Driven Development) at the first Startit Tech Meetup in Belgrade.


Rendered Text is a software company. For questions regarding Semaphore, please visit Otherwise, feel free to get in touch any time by sending us an email.